Delicious, sustainable and affordable snacks for everyone
We take our responsibility extremely seriously when we develop our brands and products. This means we intend to take sustainable and financially responsible steps to ensure that our snacks remain affordable for everyone. Stakeholders in the market where Van Geloven operates - such as NGOs, public authorities, consumers and customers - increasingly demand attention for sustainability. Consumers are mainly interested in transparency with respect to ingredients, various preparation methods, animal welfare and the quality of the meat used. This means that as market leader in the snacks sector, Van Geloven is continually examining ways it can adapt its products to these demands as much as possible.
Mora leads the field
At Van Geloven, we have brands for professionals as well as consumers. The best-known snack brand our company markets is Mora. As you would expect from a leading brand, Mora leads the field with respect to sustainability. Mora is offering more and more products without artificial colouring, flavouring and odour in order to meet the demand for more natural products and transparency on ingredients. The brand is also responding to demand for alternative preparation methods by making an increasing range of snacks suitable for preparation in an oven or air fryer. These snacks include croquettes, frikandel sausages, deep-fried meatballs, deep-fried cheese, fried noodle pancakes and mini snacks.
Meat quality and animal welfare
Van Geloven is focusing on various ingredients in its sustainability policy, including meat. This is now a serious market demand. Although the challenge is a complicated one, Van Geloven is doing all in its power to achieve a satisfactory balance between meat quality and consumption safety while keeping concessions in respect of environmental impact, animal welfare and cost price in the chain to a minimum. This also helps Van Geloven when developing its vision on meat, so that it can subsequently take sustainable measures where necessary. In the autumn of 2016, this led to the introduction of our own Beter Welzijn [Better Welfare] label for Mora. The chicken and pork used in products with this label comes from animals that lived under better conditions than required by European regulations. We deliberately chose to launch a label for chicken and pork first because we find that the welfare level of these animals in the meat sector can and must be improved. Van Geloven consciously chose to introduce its own label because it is not realistic for Mora to cover the necessary volume with a single existing certification label and to be able to justify the possible extra cost to the consumer. Van Geloven therefore strives to develop its own approach in which we strike an optimal balance between animal welfare, quality, availability, affordability, safety and the environment. For example, consider the Noviplus programme for laying hens and the Goodfarming Welfare system for pigs. To make the guarantee meaningful, Van Geloven is bringing the Beter Welzijn label to the market step by step, snack by snack. The label has now been introduced for Mora Oven Spring Rolls, Mora Chicken and Pork Satay, and is being launched for chicken snacks and snack sandwiches in 2017.
Our ambition is ultimately to purchase all our chickens and pork at this elevated level of animal welfare. After we have taken the total Mora supermarket assortment to a higher animal welfare level, we will take steps for the Mora out-of-home products and products from the other Van Geloven brands.